Surprisingly entertaining comedy about love and life lessons. The story revolves around Miou who moves into her recently deceased spinster aunt's apartment with her cousin Donut. There they find a large collection of expensive lingerie. Simultaneously Miou is starting a new job as a lingerie researcher while Donut works in a lingerie store. Hence the title of the film, which also involves a stewardess who lives in the apartment below, the pervert stealing her underwear and the part-time cop looking for him. Each of the young female characters are looking for Mr. Right, each informed by their own version of virtue and morality. This is well-trodden ground but La Lingerie still has qualities to recommend it.
Info :
aka: Noi yee sil nui
Genre: Comedy
Directors: Hing-Ka Chan, Janet Chun
Writers: Hing-Ka Chan (screenplay), Amy Chin (story)
Stars: Stephy Tang, Janice Man, J.J. Jia
aka: Noi yee sil nui
Genre: Comedy
Directors: Hing-Ka Chan, Janet Chun
Writers: Hing-Ka Chan (screenplay), Amy Chin (story)
Stars: Stephy Tang, Janice Man, J.J. Jia
Trailer :
Download Link :
720p BluRay 775MB BCRG:
Indowebster Part-1
Indowebster Part-2
Indowebster Part-3
Indowebster Part-4
Indowebster Part-5
Indowebster Part-6
Indowebster Part-7
Indowebster Part-8
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*Extract file dengan WinRar
*Password jika dibutuhkan: | Screenshot 18+
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